When the time is right, the TIF® procedure is the natural way to go.

You may not need the TIF procedure at this stage if you are experiencing relief of symptoms with lifestyle changes or compliant use of PPIs.
However, when managing your symptoms requires increasing the dose of PPIs and the duration of use beyond what is FDA approved, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a physician trained to perform the TIF procedure.
Reflux is a progressive, chronic disease. The only way to stop it is to restore the esophageal valve to its natural state. PPIs are merely a band-aid, not a solution, with long-term side effects that no one wants to experience.
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please call 973-795-7955
“The risk of a bone fractures has been estimated to be over 40 percent higher in patients who use PPIs long-term, and the risk clearly increases with duration of therapy.”10

—Dr. Philip Rodgers, Pharm. D.,

University of North Carolina.

Reflux is a progressive, chronic disease. The only way to stop it is to restore the esophageal valve to its natural state. PPIs are merely a band-aid, not a solution, with long-term side effects that no one wants to experience.
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Have you been diagnosed with gastroesophegeal reflux disease (GERD), also known as chronic reflux?
“After the TIF procedure my life has changed dramatically, both at work and at home. I never dreamed I’d wake up one day and not have to think about acid reflux. I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.”

—Lawrence X.