5 Non-Surgical Type 2 Diabetes Treatments


Type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects the level of blood glucose in the body. Insulin is a hormone that facilitates the conversion of glucose that releases energy into your cells. If you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, it implies that your body is either resisting the effects of insulin or is not producing enough insulin needed to normalize the level of glucose. The treatment for type 2 diabetes aims to control the level of blood glucose to prevent developing other health problems later in life.

It is still possible to treat type 2 diabetes without the need for surgery. Tablet medication, injections, and lifestyle adjustments are some of the common non-surgical treatments for this health condition. Here are five non-surgical treatment options for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

1. Physical Activity

Our body takes in glucose from the blood, muscles, and liver during a physical exercise. After your workout, the body replenishes its glucose stores by taking in glucose from the blood thus lowering the level of blood sugar. Physical activity can be very effective in controlling the level of blood glucose in your body. A combination of aerobic exercises offers many benefits, as it helps lower the level of blood sugar. Eating a snack before your workouts helps prevent extremely low blood sugar levels if you also take diabetes medications that are meant to serve a similar purpose. Doctors also recommend checking your blood sugar level before diving into any activity.

2. Eating a Healthy Diet

There is no specific diet for type 2 diabetes. However, it is important for your diet to be centered on fewer refined carbohydrates, calories and foods that contain less saturated fats. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits and more foods that contain fiber. A licensed dietitian can help you come up with a meal plan that fits your food preferences, health goals, and lifestyle. This allows you to monitor your carbohydrate intake by having an idea of snacks that can stabilize your blood sugar and the number of carbohydrates you need to take with your meals. Individuals with type 2 diabetes need to be careful with what they take in especially when attending home parties or eating out.

3. Weight Loss

Obesity is one of the risk factors that can cause type 2 diabetes. Regular physical activity and eating a healthy diet helps control your weight. It makes your cell more sensitive to insulin and uses up glucose as energy to lower the level of blood sugar. Focus on permanent lifestyle changes that allow you to stick to a particular exercise program or eating habits. There are many health benefits of losing weight as it gives you more energy, a healthier heart, improved self- esteem and normal blood sugar level.

4. Diabetes Medications

Although individuals who have type 2 diabetes may attain normal blood sugar levels with regular exercises and eating a healthy diet, some people need to combine them with diabetes medications. The decision on the best medication for your condition depends on different factors such as your current level of blood sugar and other health problems you might have experienced before. Your doctor may combine different classes of diabetes medication to help you control the level of your blood glucose.

5. Insulin Therapy

Although insulin therapy was used in the past as a last resort, it is now being prescribed sooner because of the benefits it can have on people with type 2 diabetes. Your doctor may prescribe different types of insulin to use during the day and night depending on your needs. The insulin taken by mouth is affected by normal digestion and may require insulin injection to get the sugar level back to normal. Insulin comes in many types and each of them works in a different way. It is always important to discuss with your doctor about the benefits and downsides of the various types of insulin to find a suitable match for your condition.

All the above methods can be used to treat type 2 diabetes without the need for surgery. Individuals with this chronic condition may be required to incorporate certain lifestyle changes alongside treatment to lower high levels of blood glucose. It is also important to check your blood sugar depending on your treatment plan. The best way to ensure your blood sugar levels are within your target range is by monitoring it carefully. You might be required to check it multiple times a day especially if you are on insulin to prevent avoid going above or beyond the target range.


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